It has been a slow day today at the bargaining table. Throughout the bargaining process, many issues have been discussed. Yesterday we bargained through the night and concluded this morning around 4:00 A.M.
District 3 leadership has made movement with the company, we have agreed to return to work at 12 p.m today. Thanks to everyone’s hard work we have shown the company we stand strong and will accpect nothing less than a fair contract. WE ARE UNION STRONG!
Today we were able to have some constructive dialogue with AT&T.Yesterday we all worked late into the night and we are prepared tosettle negotiations. We plan to meet with the company again thisevening.
District 3 went on unfair labor practice strike on August 23th at midnight. Local 3906 will have a picket line set up at 1905 highway 78 W Jasper, AL. We have strike schedule set up contact local officers to find out when to start your shift. Stay strong brothers and sisters!
As the company continues to play games, our Union grows stronger every day. Because of the way they are treated at work by management, CWA members across District 3 were already frustrated with the company before negotiations even began.